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Click On Starter, Student's book + Workbook / Навчитель + зошит англійської мови
  • Click On Starter, Student's book + Workbook / Навчитель + зошит англійської мови, фото 3
  • Click On Starter, Student's book + Workbook / Навчитель + зошит англійської мови, фото 4

Click On Starter, Student's book + Workbook / Навчитель + зошит англійської мови

  • Готово до відправки
  • Код: 9781843256540/7530

374 ₴

  • +380 (67) 579-94-70
Інформація для замовлення

Англійська мова ⁇ Click On ⁇ Student's Book+Workbook. Навчач + зошит, Starter ⁇ Exspress Publishing
Click On is a five-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level. In full colour, the course combines active English language learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units. Its well-organised syllabus promotes the gradual development of all four language skills needed by learners to communicate effectively in English. The cross-cultural approach of the course stimulates learners'interest, focusing on topics carefully chosen to motivate.
Key Features

Five modules of two units each, per level (Click On Starter has got three modules)
Realistic, stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations
Development of vocabulary skills through interactive tasks
Exploring grammar tasks with thorough practice of grammar structures
Clear presentation and thorough practice of the target language
A wide variety of listening tasks
Writing sections containing models and project work
A wide range of stimulating and interesting texts
Pronunciation sections, songs and games
Regular revision units
A story in episodes giving learners the chance to have fun while learning
Fully dramatised audio CDs
Fully animated DVDs
special section on British and American culture
Each level of Click On is accompanied by a DVD presenting the lives and experiences of people in the UK. A DVD Activity Book supports each DVD

ВиробникExpress Publishing
Мова виданняАнглійська
Користувацькі характеристики
АвторVirginia Evans
Вивчення мовиАнглійська
РівеньРівень Starter
  • Ціна: 374 ₴
Click On Starter, Student's book + Workbook / Навчитель + зошит англійської мовиClick On Starter, Student's book + Workbook / Навчитель + зошит англійської мови
Готово до відправки
374 ₴
  • +380 (67) 579-94-70

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