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Учебник с диском Grammar Friends 1, Tim Ward | Oxford

Учебник с диском Grammar Friends 1, Tim Ward | Oxford

  • Немає в наявності
  • Код: 9780194780001

790 ₴

  • +380 (67) 579-94-70
Інформація для замовлення

The step-by-step grammar presentations in Grammar Friends introduce form, use and meaning in a way that even young beginner learners can understand and remember. The series was written to support the syllabus of Family and Friends but is an ideal supplement to any elementary general English course. There are lots of controlled activities to help children improve their written grammar and the fun interactive activities on the CD-ROM really encourage them to learn by themselves.

Ключевые характеристики


  • Clear presentations in familiar contexts make the grammar easy to understand and remember
  • Graded written activities help children improve grammatical accuracy
  • Regular revision units give opportunities for extra practice and consolidation
  • Interactive CD-ROM has extra exercises and tests to motivate pupils and encourage learner independence.
  • Covers the grammar for Cambridge ESOL Young Learners
  • Photocopiable tests in the Teacher's
  • Flexible enough to be used alongside any primary course



How does it work?

Each unit introduces an element of English grammar through a picture or series of pictures with speech bubbles or captions. The grammar is then explained in simple language with extra examples if necessary. This is followed by exercises in increasing difficulty from straightforward concept check exercises (e.g. matching tasks) to sentence-writing activities. The units are four pages long and they cover one, two, or three grammar points.

Children meet new grammar within everyday contexts they are familiar with, such as family or friends of the same age. This means because they know the vocabulary it makes it much easier to concentrate on the grammar.

Because there is always a clear focus on the specific target grammar the units in Grammar Friends can be used in any order depending on the syllabus you are following.

Teaching tips, answer keys, and tests in the teacher's Book make it much easier to monitor student's progress.

There are plenty of activities on the CD-ROM for home and holiday study so students can enjoyably continue practising English when not in the classroom.

ВиробникOxford University Press
Кількість сторінок80
Користувальницькі характеристики
АвторTim Ward
РівеньРівень 1
Формат211 x 275 x 5mm
  • Ціна: 790 ₴
Учебник с диском Grammar Friends 1, Tim Ward | OxfordУчебник с диском Grammar Friends 1, Tim Ward | Oxford
Немає в наявності
790 ₴
  • +380 (67) 579-94-70

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